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For more than 20 years, I have been passionately dedicated to developing recipes with purely plant-based raw materials and producing natural cosmetics.

My fascination for ethnobotany and ethnomedicine began in my childhood, when I started experimenting with plants and learning about their diverse ingredients and positive effects for us humans.

Through years of study and practical experience, I have gained a deep understanding of the ingredients and a broad knowledge of the modes of action of the plant world and the various production processes of plant extracts, serums, lotions and creams. My quest for perfection and the desire to create products that are in harmony with our organism as natural alternatives to conventional medicines or pharmaceutical products drives me to constantly research new active ingredients and plants and to develop and produce recipes in my own laboratory.


The idea for the MACRIS hair growth serum came about when I myself was struggling with hair loss a few years ago. Through intensive research and development work, I succeeded in creating a serum that not only stopped my hair loss, but also promoted the growth of new hair. After a few weeks, small downy hairs began to form and my receding hairline gradually disappeared.

My mum, who had suffered from severe hair loss for more than 30 years, and other family members, friends and acquaintances who suffered from hair loss, receding hairline and/or an inflamed scalp also tested my serum and noticed a significant improvement in their hair problems. The smiles on the faces of people close to me, who finally regained hope after years of struggle when the hair loss stopped and the first baby hairs sprouted, were priceless and a key moment for me.

I decided to make my serum available to a wider public to help people worldwide overcome their hair problems.

I founded MACRIS.


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As a family business, we focus on proximity and personality. We are not an anonymous corporation, but personally take care of every detail. For us, it's not about maximising profit, but about making the best possible product. Every ingredient is carefully selected, tested by an independent laboratory, dermatologically tested and manufactured in Germany to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety. We prioritise quality because we want to offer products that we are proud of and that our customers can trust. Our motivation is to help people regain their self-confidence and feel good in their skin and with their hair. Our journey began from a personal need and our philosophy has remained unchanged ever since: Closeness and personality, transparency and trust are at the forefront of everything we do.

MACRIS Firmenlogo, Unionsmarke, Löwe, Marke, Markenzeichen



It is a central concern of ours to reunite man and nature. For us, naturalness is more than just a trend - it's a way of life. We firmly believe that natural solutions are often the best, both for our health and for the environment. We consistently use the highest quality natural ingredients because we believe that nature provides us with everything we need for healthy hair growth. You won't find any hormones or dodgy chemicals in our products. Our products should be in harmony with nature and at the same time achieve optimum results for your hair.


 We understand how distressing hair loss can be and how desperate you can feel when looking for solutions. We don't promise miracles, nor do we exploit your insecurities. Instead, we want to help strengthen your hair and your self-confidence in an honest and transparent way. We don't promise quick fixes, but rather guide you on your journey to stronger and healthier hair. Every step may be hard, but you are not alone. We are here to support you. Personality and closeness are not just empty words or an advertising slogan for us, but fundamental values that define us. Your trust and satisfaction are our greatest concerns. That's why we're always on hand with help and advice and take the time to cater to your individual needs. With us, you are not just a customer, but a valued part of our community.


Your safety and satisfaction are our top priority. To meet the highest standards, MACRIS hair growth serum is produced in Germany using the highest quality ingredients and has been dermatologically tested by independent German laboratories and awarded top marks. We do not save on raw materials. The MACRIS active ingredient complex is formulated from harmoniously balanced, highly potent and highly concentrated ingredients - for maximum effect. We strive for the highest quality, not quantity, and invest a lot of time and effort to ensure that every serum is perfect.


Animal love and ethical behaviour are a matter of course for us. Our products are 100% vegan and cruelty-free. We reject any form of animal testing.

MACRIS Haarwachstumsserum, Produktbild, Detailbild, Produktinfo, Haarausfall stoppen, Haarwachstum fördern


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We love, Logo, Tierwohl, tierversuchsfrei, ohne Tierverscuhe, cruelty-free


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