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  • Genetics

  • Hormones

  • Stress

  • Diseases

  • Lifestyle

Seil reisst, Symbol für Stress, Stress als Ursache für Haarausfall, Am seidenen Faden, Belastung, , Cortisol


Stress-related hair loss often occurs after physical or emotional stress. ​ RELEVANT FACTORS ​ • STRESS HORMONES Stress can trigger the production of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which can damage the hair roots and disrupt the hair cycle • INFLAMMATION The stress hormones produced by the body, such as cortisol or noradrenaline, can lead to inflammation of the hair follicle, causing the hair to enter the resting phase earlier • NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT Stress can lead to the hair roots not receiving enough nutrients and oxygen • SLEEP DISORDERS Stress can lead to sleep disorders. As the hair roots normally regenerate during the night, sleeplessness inhibits this recovery phase and can therefore lead to stress-related hair loss • IMMUNE DEFENCE Stress can weaken the body's defences, making the hair roots more susceptible to infection and damage • HORMONAL DISORDERS Stress can lead to hormonal imbalances, which can affect hair growth and cause hair loss. ​ Prolonged physical or psychological stress can disrupt the natural hair cycle.The mechanism behind stress-related hair loss involves the release of stress hormones such as cortisol. Breakdown products of stress hormones reach the hair roots via the bloodstream. They have a negative effect on the sebaceous glands of the scalp and can have a negative impact on the hair follicles by inhibiting the growth of new hair and sending the hair into a premature resting phase. In addition, chronic stress can lead to inflammation and circulatory problems in the scalp, which further impairs hair growth. Stress can disrupt the hair cycle by: - Shortening the anagen phase and slowing hair growth - Shortening the catagen phase and causing hair to fall out faster - Lengthening the telogen phase and causing hair to rest longer

Nährstoffe, Nährstoffmangel, Nähstoffversorgung, Zusammenhang Nährstoffe und Haarausfall, Ausreichende Versorgung


The cells of the hair follicles require a high level of division activity to promote hair growth and make hair grow. To support this process, a functioning cell metabolism is required to ensure that the cells are adequately supplied with nutrients and oxygen. If there is a lack of nutrients, the growth of the hair root can be severely impaired, which can lead to hair loss. Trace elements as well as various vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids play a major role in the cell metabolism of hair follicles. Regular use of MACRIS hair growth serum ensures that the important nutrients required for healthy hair growth reach the hair follicles directly and compensate for any nutrient deficiencies.

Waage, Imbalance, Ungleichgewicht, Hormonelles Ungleichgewicht, Hormonelle Veränderungen, Wechseljahre, Pille, Haarausfall


Hormones not only influence the division activity of the hair follicles, but also the duration of the hair cycle. This can become imbalanced in the case of hormonally induced hair loss due to various factors, such as after pregnancy, during the menopause or when stopping the contraceptive pill after years of use. When the hormone balance is unbalanced, a reduced production of oestrogen can trigger an increase in the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a derivative of testosterone and binds to the receptors of the hair follicles, shortening the hair growth phase and prolonging the resting phase. This leads to a reduction in the size of the hair follicles, resulting in thinner and weaker hair. Women going through the menopause are particularly susceptible to this form of hair loss, as oestrogen levels naturally fall. Another trigger for hormone-induced hair loss is postpartum effluvium, which can occur after the birth of a child. During pregnancy, increased oestrogen levels prolong the hair growth phase. After the birth, oestrogen levels fall, which can lead to increased hair loss as many hairs go into the resting phase at the same time. Stopping the contraceptive pill can also upset the hormone balance and cause hormonal hair loss. The pill suppresses the production of androgens and when it is stopped, an excess of androgens such as DHT can develop, which can also lead to hair loss.MACRIS hair growth serum acts as a natural DHT blocker by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, which is associated with hormonal hair loss.

DNA, Genetik, Genetische Faktoren für Haarausfall, Genetik und Hormonelle Veränderung Haarausfall, Haarwachstum


In the case of a hereditary predisposition to hair loss, the increased production of the hormone dihydrostosterone (DHT) at the hair roots with the help of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase prevents the blood vessels on the scalp from being adequately supplied with nutrients. The consequences are the regression of the blood vessels and the reduction in the size of the hair follicles. MACRIS hair growth serum specifically inhibits the activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase II* and stimulates the dermal papilla cells in the hair follicles. * Efficacy study of the active ingredient supplier



Hair loss has various causes. From genetic factors and hormonal changes to stress and nutritional deficiencies - there are many reasons for hair loss. On average, 40% of all men and 20% of all women* are affected by hair loss at some point in their lives. 


These factors often affect the nutrient supply to the hair root and therefore the hair growth cycle.

If the growth cycle is disrupted or shortened, hair loss occurs.

Schaubild Haarwurzel,Haarschaft, Haarfollikel, Nährstoffversorgung, Aufbau  eines Haares, Aufbau Haarwurzel und Zusammenhang



The hair growth cycle is a complex and dynamic biological process in which each individual hair follicle continuously passes through the 3 phases (growth, shedding and renewal of hair). If the growth cycle is disrupted or shortened and the hair is separated from the nutrient supply too early due to the factors mentioned above, hair loss occurs.




  • Phase of active cell division, the hair grows and becomes stronger

  • The hair grows 2-8 years approx. 1cm per month

  • In a healthy hair cycle, 85-90% of the hair is in the active growth phase

  • Active cell division in the hair follicle is stopped

  •  The hair stops growing, the hair follicle shrinks and separates from the nutrient supply

  • In a healthy hair cycle, 1-3% of the hair is in the transition phase

  • The hair is no longer firmly anchored, remains in the upper layers of the skin for another 2-3 months and then falls out

  • A new hair root is formed

  • In a healthy hair cycle, 7-14% of the hair is in the dormant/resting phase

MACRIS Hair Growth Serum is designed to block invasive hormones while stimulating blood flow to the scalp and nourishing the hair root to prolong the growth phase of each hair and activate dormant hair follicles. 

Produktbild, Detailbild MACRIS Haarserum, Haarwuchsmittel, Haarwachstumsserum


Kopie von frei von Hormonen und Medikamenten-3.png



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